How to Meet People on Solo Trips or While Traveling

The thing I get asked a lot about my solo trips is “how do you meet people, who do you talk to?” If you have met me, you know that talking to random people is pretty on brand. One of my favorite things about traveling is meeting new people! But.. I know that talking to strangers is out of people’s comfort zone. So, if you’re taking your first solo trip or even just traveling and want to make friends, I compiled a list of the various ways I have found friends on my trips! And don’t worry, I stayed away from my usual ‘just go up to random people and talk to them.’ I know that’s not for everyone.

1 - Stay at Hostels

Hostels have a bad reputation but trust me when I say there are really nice, clean ones that have a vibe for everyone: families, socializing, partying, big groups of people, etc. A lot of them have private rooms which is what I stay in vs the dorm rooms. Plus they are a great way to make friends. Hostels are usually open to the public and have a bar so go there to grab a drink before the night starts or go during the day for a coffee. They also tend to have free events like happy hours and walking tours to encourage people to get to know each other - it’s a great little community.

2 - Book Walking Tours

Piggybacking off hostels, they offer free walking tours! Tours are the perfect recipe to make friends: you are with these people for 2+ hours, they are all traveling like you, and they are interested in learning about the city you’re in. If you are more reserved, it’s a non-direct way to make friends and usually the tour guide is personable. Plus, it’s a great way to get pictures of yourself around the city without having to ask people off the street. I took a Game of Thrones tour and there were many other solo travelers on it, I even went to lunch with one of the girls after!

3 - Talk to the Restaurant/Bar Staff

They usually speak English, they are accessible to you, they will know things to do around the city (especially if they are from there) and where to go next if it’s a night out. Ask them if they have recommendations on sights to see, unique things to do, bars to go to, whatever it is you’re looking for. My server in Dubrovnik recommended this Irish bar for a night out and then I ran into him there later that night.

4 - Go on a Pub Crawl

There are pub crawls in every city (very common in Europe) and you can buy tickets online. There will be a meeting spot and your ticket will include about 3 bars and a drink at each one. This is a good way to interact with a group of people, make some friends, and check out the nightlife in a group setting. Or you can do what I do and make one up yourself. To start, I usually pick 2-3 bars around the city, then I go sit at the bar and ask the bartenders for recommendations on where to go next then continue on. I’ve met a lot of friends this way!

5 - Take a Cooking Class

To find friends, you have to do things you like to do. And who doesn’t like cooking? Take a cooking class in every place you go! Airbnb has some really cool experiences hosted by locals. It’s the best of both worlds, you will learn how to make a local cuisine, eat delicious food, drink wine (probably), and make some friends!

6 - Ask People to Take Your Photo

This will require you to get a little out of your comfort zone and find that extrovert within. Try to find people your age or a big group of friends and listen to see if they speak English. Then ask them to take your photo and either you or them will likely initiate a conversation about where you are visiting from. From there, you can ask them for recommendations or what they are planning for the day. Exchange numbers if you wish! I’ve met quite a few friends walking down the street.

7 - Listen for Fellow Americans (then strike up a conversation)

This might seem like eavesdropping… okay, fine, it’s definitely eavesdropping but hear me out. Listen for your fellow American friends or people who speak English then try to strike up a conversation. This works best in bars and restaurants and public transit. A great opening line is “where are you from” or “are you from the states” and then the conversation will take off from there. I bet you’ll find something in common with them. Everyone is out of their comfort zone when traveling and a piece of familiarity or home is comforting so it won’t be weird.

8 - Be Open to Spontaneity and Adventure

Pencil in some spontaneity on your trips. This will allow you to be able to join groups or people you meet on their plans and ditch your plans. Be open to new people and new experiences and you will find them. This is going to be hard advice but… put the phone away and people watch. This will make you look more approachable and friends will find you.

Now go out there and make some friends! If you have a fun story on how you made friends while traveling, let's hear it ↓

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